Tuesday evening news briefing: Temperatures could soar to 33C in England

Also from the Front Page newsletter: Ukrainian drone downed near Putin residence. Sign up below.

Good evening. Heat health alerts have been upgraded from yellow to amber across most of England.

Elsewhere, Gillian Keegan has revealed that a number of schools have not responded to a Government survey on crumbling concrete.

Temperatures could soar to 33C in areas of England

Heat health alerts have been upgraded from yellow to amber across most of England while the UK Health Security Agency has warned the NHS will likely experience “significant impacts” across its services. Experts added people could be affected by overheating in their workplaces and travel delays are likely.

Saffron Alexander advises what to eat and drink – and what to avoid – during a summer heatwave while Greg Dickinson suggests 10 ways to make the most of the Indian Summer.

Get off your backsides and answer our questions

Gillian Keegan has revealed that a number of schools have not responded to a Government survey on crumbling concrete. In theme with her sweary outburst yesterday she has told schools “get off their backsides” and respond. Her comments come amid every hospital in England being ordered to review buildings for crumbling concrete.

Your View | Should the Government be doing more to tackle the concrete crisis? Send a short comment and your name, with Front Page as the subject, to yourstory@telegraph.co.uk and you might feature in an article later this week.

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Ukrainian drone downed near Putin residence

The Russian defence ministry said air defences had brought down the unmanned aerial vehicle in the Tver region, northwest of Moscow. Mash, a Russian media outlet, said the drone was destroyed in Zavidovo, a settlement home to a hunting residence belonging to the Russian president. Watch footage of a British Challenger 2 tank destroyed in the Ukrainian advance.

Evening Briefing: Today’s essential headlines

Birmingham | City Council effectively declares itself bankrupt saying it will stop all but essential spending after equal pay claims.

Comment and analysis

World news: Builders demolish section of Great Wall of China

A section of the Great Wall of China has been destroyed by construction workers who used an excavator to carve out a shortcut to their work site. The police say two people have been detained and remain under investigation after they received a report on Aug 24 that a “big gap” had been dug out of a section of the “32nd Great Wall”.

Feature of the day

‘Our child died because doctors didn’t listen – Martha’s rule will ensure patients are heard’

Merope Mills knew her daughter was gravely ill but her concerns were ignored; now, she’s campaigning to stop others feeling that heartbreak

Read the piece

Business news: Shoplifting no longer seen as a crime, says Asda chairman

Lord Stuart Rose, who previously headed up Marks & Spencer, has thrown his weight behind calls for more to be done to stem the surge in shoplifting which has been blighting retailers.

Live markets news: Drivers face fuel price rises as oil tops $90 a barrel

Editor’s choice

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