Thursday evening news briefing: Tradesmen pass on Ulez charges to households

Also from the Front Page newsletter: Terror suspect's escape was 'possibly inside job'. Sign up below.

Good evening. Homeowners are being hit with Ulez charges without leaving the house as tradesmen include fees in bills.

Elsewhere, we give the ultimate guide to Britain’s surprise heatwave on the hottest day of the year (so far).

Homeowners hit with Ulez charges without leaving the house

Tradesmen are passing on Sadiq Khan’s daily £12.50 Ulez charge to their customers in invoices in order to off-set the cost of the levy to their businesses. The additional costs are likely to frustrate customers as self-employed tradesmen can claim back the Ulez charges as a business expense on their tax bills.

Terror suspect’s escape was ‘possibly inside job’

An ex-governor of Belmarsh prison has suggested Daniel Khalife’s escape from Wandsworth was an inside job. John Podmore, who was also a governor at Brixton prison, said the former soldier “possibly” received assistance before he escaped on Wednesday. He added the decision to allow him to work in the kitchen at the category B jail was “quite astonishing”.

Captain Sir Tom Moore’s daughter received more than £150,000 from charity

It has emerged that despite the foundation stopping donations, it has continued paying Hannah Ingram-Moore thousands. Since the Captain Tom Foundation started in May 2020 it has paid just over £152,000 to Mrs Ingram-Moore and companies she controls along with her husband Colin, who is also a trustee of the charity. 

Evening Briefing: Today’s essential headlines

Diversity targets | The First Sea Lord has admitted he felt “nervous” about the military’s diversity targets, suggesting that they “can lead to some strange behaviours”. aXOf5Sl7yy4

Comment and analysis

World news: Russia redeploys more troops to hold back Ukrainian breakthrough

The threat of a Ukrainian breakthrough in the south has prompted Russia to begin redeploying more reserve forces. Ukrainian officials have said in the past week that their forces have managed to push past Russia’s first line of defences and are battling to break through further lines of fortifications and minefields.

Britain’s surprise heatwave - the ultimate guide

Plan the perfect escape with our guide to the nation’s top beaches, walks, days out, campsites and seaside hotels

Where to go | The most beautiful seaside villages in the UK

What to eat | 30 amazing places to eat by the sea in Britain – from oysters to fish and chips

How to keep safe | The 10 best sun creams and sunscreens with SPF and UV protection

Business news: Germany facing double-dip recession

The country is set to fall back into recession after data showed industrial production slumped again in July. Tim Wallace reports output of everything from machinery, tools and vehicles to consumer goods all tumbled, read more about the factors behind the downturn.

Live markets news: Apple loses more than $200bn of its value in market rout

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Sport briefing: Today’s essential headlines

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