
My manifesto to speed up cricket: AI dismissals and no drinks

The over rates in the Ashes series were scandalous, sometimes expanding around five hours’ worth of cricket into a six-and-a-half hour day

England's Ben Stokes gets a drink during a break in play due to high temperatures
Culling drinks breaks could be a good way of speeding up first-class cricket Credit: Reuters/Lee Smith

If like me you are an Essex supporter, or a partisan for Surrey, then the resumption of the County Championship this week was an important moment, as we wait to see which of these leading sides will win the title. There are also promotion and relegation issues to be settled. However, for most people the existence of first-class cricket is neither here nor there. The youngsters we hope to tempt in to the game are back at school. The cricket establishment continues to obsess about largely meaningless one-day slogfests and the forthcoming World Cup, which starts in less than a month. There is excitement that T20 will figure in the 2028 Olympics, another sign of the direction in which cricket, driven by mainly Indian money, is relentlessly going. Mind you, to find reference to any of this, one has to excavate it from beneath tons of coverage of football and rugby.

That is what comes of shunting first-class cricket to the margins of the season: it becomes invisible. We have just had the first August in two hundred years in which, in peacetime, no first-class cricket was played, so it has gone off the radar. Those of us of a certain age who recall spending August days as boys on festival grounds watching championship cricket, securing our lifelong addiction to the game, now realise how very lucky we were.

When the fatuous Hundred was invented – what a work of genius that was – we were told it would bring people into the game who had ignored it before, effectively as a point of entry from which they could advance to proper cricket. How is that possible when such cricket is now staged almost entirely outside the school holidays? And, also, what does the International Olympic Committee’s embrace of T20 say about the future of the Hundred? They have voted with their feet, and if there were ever an indication that the England and Wales Cricket board should administer the humane killer, this is surely it.

If we are to continue to play Test cricket – and I take nothing for granted – then we need first-class cricket to provide the players. Clearly some skills honed in limited-over cricket were put to effective use in the series against Australia that finished six weeks ago, in the style of ‘Bazball’, and it is refreshing to be able to argue that long-form cricket need not bore anybody. However, despite England’s moral victory in the series (because of the weather at Old Trafford) they still lost two Tests, and lost them for reasons that seemed to me to be largely down to a lack of experience in the middle in serious cricket. Old problems resurfaced: if a player goes out of form during a series being played back-to-back so that more pointless one-day cricket can be packed in to the schedule, how does he regain form? And if non-England players are going ages without playing first-class cricket, how do they demonstrate their obvious fitness to come in to the team?

Competitions like The Hundred shunt first-class cricket even further to the sidelines Credit: Getty Images/Julian Finney

Next year, West Indies (a shadow of their former selves) and Sri Lanka are touring. It will be interesting to see how much interest is generated in the Tests. It is not just that, with first-class cricket so unavailable to a big potential audience because of scheduling, and with live Test cricket only on subscription television, people have found other things to do with their leisure time. Test cricket itself, even under Bazball, is not all it should be. The over rates in the Ashes series were scandalous, sometimes expanding around five hours’ worth of cricket into a six-and-a-half hour day. People paying £120 for a ticket are being ripped off when that happens: imagine buying a pint of beer, finding the beer  an inch below the rim of the glass when it is served to you, but being told the beer is so good you won’t notice. I think not.

It is a miracle that as many people watch Test cricket as they do, with the lack of first-class county cricket to get them in the mood, and the huge expense of a day out: if the ECB intended to make it an exclusive, rich person’s sport they have succeeded brilliantly. But if they are going to wreck value by tolerating plummeting over rates, even the rich will think better of spending so much money. Various solutions have been offered for speeding things up. First, there is no excuse for the drawn-out drama of the DRS reviews: with artificial intelligence [AI] able to write an eighth volume of Proust, it can surely be deployed to give an instant verdict on whether someone is out or not. Indeed, the advance of technology has potential to change much more about the role of umpires, and requires intelligent discussion urgently. But an appeal ought to be decided at once, or indeed done away with altogether and the batsman given out (or otherwise) by an umpire who has received instant instruction through an earpiece from a robot.

And, on days that represent the normal English summer, there is no need for a drinks break – these never used to happen except when it was sweltering. And umpires need to be empowered to move the game on: there is too much posing, posturing and preening not just between overs, but between balls. Why, in living memory, was it so easy to bowl 17 or 18 overs an hour in a Test match, whereas now it is 12 or 13? In a six-hour day even 17 an hour is 102 overs a day. Some argue that the entertainment is so fine that over rates don’t matter. However, as the cricketing public increasingly realise it is being ripped off to an imperial extent, they will start to matter very much.

One awaits the 2024 county fixtures to see what, if anything, has been done to raise the profile of first class cricket, and to make it more available to a new cricketing public. It needs to be played throughout the season: if we are going to have two divisions then they should be of equal size and all should play each other twice, which will give a little more cricket: and speeding up the county game, perhaps by reverting to three-day matches with more overs bowled a day, would undoubtedly help pull in crowds, especially of played from Friday to Sunday. It would be nice to imagine that the ECB are engaging in strategic thinking about this, but not only do I doubt they have even started, I doubt very much they can see the point of doing anything, with the cash cow of T20 being milked constantly. The counties themselves should give them a kick, and a hard one, because before too long, for them, this will become an existential problem.