NHS hospital with fewer beds per person than Mexico, new research shows

Analysis for Lib Dems shows total number of hospital beds in England has fallen by 2,233 since 2015, with just 2.3 beds per 1,000 people

Some NHS hospitals now have fewer beds for their population than countries such as Mexico, research shows.

The analysis shows the total number of hospital beds in England has fallen by 2,233 since 2015, with falls of 40 per cent in some areas.

Two-thirds of NHS hospital trusts have seen a decline in the number of beds per person, according to the House of Commons Library research, commissioned by the Liberal Democrats.

Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has just 0.9 beds per 1,000 people. This is less than Mexico, the country with the least beds for its population, with 1 per 1,000 people, according to research by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has just 1.7 hospital beds per 1,000 people. That puts it in line with Colombia, which has the third fewest number of beds per 1,000 people in the OECD, with 1.7 per head.

The UK has far less beds than comparable countries in Europe, with an average of 2.4 beds per 1,000 people – 23rd out of 24 countries ranked.

The data shows the total number of hospital beds in England has fallen by 2,233 since 2015. It means there are just 2.3 beds per 1,000 people.

Leave the NHS ‘on the brink’

The Lib Dems said lack of investment in capacity would leave the NHS “on the brink” this winter, saying recent Government pledges to increase bed numbers by 900 would not even reverse half the bed cuts seen since 2015.

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has said more than 8,000 extra beds are needed.

Daisy Cooper, Liberal Democrat’s health and social care spokesperson, said: “After the appalling scenes of people dying in the back of ambulances and being treated in corridors, you would have thought that ministers would have moved heaven and earth to massively increase bed capacity in hospitals this year.

“Instead, the Conservative Government has continued to drive our NHS into the ground, leaving patients and NHS staff fearful that our health service is being set up for yet another difficult winter,” she said.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: “The NHS is providing more care to patients without the need for an overnight admission where clinically appropriate, for instance by treating and discharging them on the same day or at home in virtual wards.

“Waiting times for urgent and emergency care have substantially reduced from the peak of winter pressures in December and the NHS is on track to deliver 5,000 permanent hospital beds for next winter as well as an extra 3,000 virtual ward beds to safely care for people from home, resulting in over 10,000 in total by autumn.

“Over the next two years we are also investing £1.6 billion to support timely and safe discharge of people from hospital into the community.”